Mongoose: 9/11 Treason, Plain and Simple? — The Answers — Including Nuclear — Keep Coming to the Surface — Rumsfeld-Cheney Key, But Subordinate to Bush Senior and a Financial Cabal

From a human source I’ve named SLOW PITCH.  Original World Trade Center was built in 1966-1967.  Larry Silverstein was present at the creation, including the six story underground footings that may or may not have included an “end of life” explosive solution.  Personally I doubt the nuclear option as a one-size solution.  Much more likely …

Michel Bauwens: Social Collaboration Platforms for Local to Global Enterprises

Why open social collaboration platforms will disrupt the enterprise market in 2013 and beyond – Brian Solis Guest post by Sarah Evans (PRsarahevans), chief evangelist, Tracky, social correspondent at Sarah’s Faves and author of [RE]FRAME: Little Inspirations For A Larger Purpose The majority of businesses aren’t run efficiently and employees lack the tools and equipment …

Paul Craig Roberts: What Ifs — Reagan Treasury Official Reflects On Our Current Incapacities

What If? — Paul Craig Roberts “What If?” histories are a good read. They are entertaining, and they provoke thought and encourage the imagination. How different the world would be if different judgments, decisions, and circumstances had prevailed at history’s turning points. Certainly English history would have been different if King Harold’s soldiers had obeyed …

Patrick Meier: Social Media as Passive Polling: Prospects for Development & Disaster Response

Social Media as Passive Polling: Prospects for Development & Disaster Response Posted on February 21, 2013 | 1 Comment My Harvard/MIT colleague Todd Mostak wrote his award-winning Master’s Thesis on ”Social Media as Passive Polling: Using Twitter and Online Forums to Map Islamism in Egypt.” For this research, Todd evaluated the “potential of Twitter as a source of time-stamped, geocoded …

Berto Jongman: Special Librarians Association Considers How Librarians Might be Intelligence Discovery Specialists — It Only Took Them TWENTY YEARS From When the Idea was First Presented

SLA 2013 Annual Confernce, 9 June Dr. Edna Reid, intelligence analyst (IA) in the federal government, and Aileen Marshall will present an interactive session about emerging roles for librarians/information professionals as intelligence analysts (IAs), open source specialists, and cyber intelligence analysts. The workshop will involve dissecting job descriptions for IAs, comparing competencies of librarians and …

Review: The Coup: 1953, The CIA, and The Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations

Ervand Abrahamian 5.0 out of 5 stars We NEED Deep History to Counter-Act Criminal Insanity Within Our Elite, February 17, 2013 This book could not have come out at a better time, as the neo-conservatives continue to try to inspire confrontation with Iran, using the same methods that Dick Cheney used — in his case …