Review: Radical Man–The Process of Psycho-Social Development

Seminal Work, Get It Used, Should Be Reprinted November 23, 2007 Charles Hampden-Turner This book changed my life in the sense that it served as a foundation for my first Master’s thesis on Predicting Revolution, work that has not yet been surpassed. I myself developed one side of the matrix, finding through the secondary literature …

Review: The Foundation–A Great American Secret; How Private Wealth is Changing the World

ESSENTIAL Primer, the Good, the Bad, and the Recommended October 18, 2007 JOEL FLEISHMAN This is a very helpful book, indeed, a unique book. Here are some of the notes I took. As one of 24 co-founders of a new 501c3, the Earth Intelligence Network, created to provide decision support to foundations, the United Nations, …