Marcus Aurelius: Joe Scarborough Tries to Scare on Debt

Below is an excellent example of scare-mongering and ideologically-rooted media froth. The morning after Joe Scarborough WASHINGTON, D.C.— Aug. 3, 2011 It was a financial storm that even an economics professor could see coming. The debt crisis that had gripped Washington for a month came to a sudden, horrifying climax that left America’s economy looking …

John Robb: Concentration of Wealth = Central Planning = Fall of US Empire from Misappropriation

JOURNAL: Central Planning and The Fall of the US Empire Here’s some thinking that draws on decision making theory.  It’s very much in line with how the late John Boyd (America’s best strategist) would approach it. ___________ One of the most interesting underlying reasons for the decline of the Soviet Union, and soon the US, …