Review: The Arsonist – The Most Dangerous Man in America (James Otis 1760′s Catalyst for Liberty)

Nathan A. Allen Six Star Pre-History Ignored Until Now, July 17, 2011 This is a BARN-BURNER of a book! This book is a PhD dissertation that is being published quickly to aid the cause of liberty in 2012. The academic detail would normally make it a four-star read, but the relevance, the originality, and the …

Graphics Directory (List & Small Images)

Below the line….alpha list of all graphics [in English] with embedded links. For Spanish-language graphics see AA Lista de Graficas (1) and [in reverse order as posted] AA Espanol (55).  Updated 2 Aug 2013. Click on the Link Above the Image to Reach Full Size Image, Comments, & Source Link

Chuck Spinney: Perpetual War is a Protection Racket

Null Hypothesis: Perpetual War protects the MICC against the buildup of political plaque threatening to  clog its money pipes. Proof: The alternative hypothesis has been rejected by a sample of 336 vs. 87, and with the sample being the total population, the Null Hypothesis is accepted at the 100% confidence level.  House boosts military budget …