Berto Jongman: The most important education technology in 200 years

The most important education technology in 200 years Kurzweil, November 3, 2012 Education is about to change dramatically, says Anant Agarwal, who heads edX, a $60 million MIT-Harvard effort to stream a college education over the Web, free, with plans to teach a billion students, Technology Review reports. “Massive open online courses,” or MOOCs, offered by new …

DefDog: The Gathering Storm – CIA Asks for More Drones, Most Clueless About Tribes, and Rest of World Routing Around the State

These three hang together. CIA claims it needs more drones The CIA has asked the White House to increase the number of drones it employs to transform it into a paramilitary force, despite recent statistics that show the majority of drone deaths are civilians. CIA Director David Petraeus submitted a proposal that could add as …

Marcus Aurelius: Australian Media – USG Calls Assange as an Enemy of the State + Wikileaks RECAP

Julian ASSANGE probably is a bona fide “enemy of the State;” not sure that is actually an official US Government term.   However, since the first hoopla about Bradley MANNING and Wiki-leaks came out a couple of years ago, I’m not sure the troops have been adequately warned that reading Wiki-leaks sites is proscribed.  At that …

Berto Jongman: Article and Book About Deep Web Marketplace

Article now, book later. The good and the bad of the Deep Web Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine – September Edition “Security in a serious way” Introduction The Deep Web (or Invisible web) is the set of information resources on the World Wide Web not reported by normal search engines, according a raw estimation of …

Anthony Judge: Laetus in Praesens – Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends

Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends Mapping the social climate change engendering a perfect storm Introduction Checklist of 30 disabling trends Spiraling trends: cyclones in a climate of change? Interweaving “cyclones” and “anti-cyclones” in a global system Emergent polyhedral configuration of alternating systemic functions Insights from the Conference of the Birds? Conclusion References See Also: …

20120807 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: THE LIST: THE AGENCY: THE BOOK: THE AUTHOR: TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, DIY, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost