Egypt’s Day of Rage–Arab Dictatorial Dominos….+ RECAP

Egypt: Today is the “day of rage.” On 25 January, a day honoring Egyptian police, tens of thousands of people demonstrated against the government, calling for President Mubarak to step down. Police used water cannon and tear gas against rock throwing demonstrators. Egyptian security forces used rubber bullets to disperse an estimated 8,000 demonstrators in …

1961-2011: 50 Years of The Military-Industrial Complex

It’s a good think Ike is dead… else he would realize his nightmare survived.  Chuck Newsday January 13, 2011 Pg. 34 The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex Eisenhower warned against the influence of arms production, but did we listen? By Bob Keeler EXTRACT:  Now, the deficit has caused some unexpected voices to say, ever so softly, that everything …

More Bank Equity Is Needed and Not Socially Costly

Much More Bank Equity Is Needed and Is Not Socially Costly Text of Letter Published in Financial Times November 9, 2010 The Basel III bank-regulation proposals that G20 leaders will discuss fail to eliminate key structural flaws in the current system. Banks’ high leverage, and the resulting fragility and systemic risk, contributed to the near …

Journal: The Rise and Sell-Out of the Enviro Establishment

Herewith are the first two parts of Jeff St Claire’s important multipart series on the systemic corruption and corporatization of the environmental movement. A Concise History of the Rise and Fall of the Enviro Establishment How Green Became the Color of Money By JEFFREY ST. CLAIR, Counterpunch Part I New Year’s Edition December 31, 2010 …