Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part III

24 Dec Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation 3 Jan Journal: Get America Working–A Conversation Part II Andrew Carpenter responds (Robert Steele’s opening at end): I offer here a cautionary note in three areas. First, Robert, I get that you have a prior commitment to electoral reform, and that’s your proprietary thing close to your heart. …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Trusted Bodyguard Executes Governor in Pakistan for Being a Blasphemer–Observations on Meaning for Church & State

Pakistan: An elite police commando from the provincial police force who was assigned as a bodyguard for the governor of Punjab Province murdered the governor today in Islamabad. The commando dropped his weapon and surrendered to the police, bragging that he was proud he killed a blasphemer. With that, Pakistan’s political crisis deepened.

Review: Why Leaders Lie–The Truth About Lying in International Politics

John J. Mearsheimer Cornerstone, Not the Whole Building January 2, 2011 By no stretch should this book be dismissed as a three. While I might normally have gone with a four, I am settling on five for balance and because the author not only covers an extraordinarily important topic in a sensible measured way, but …

Journal: Who’s Better for the U.S. Economy? Democrats or Republicans? A Second Look

Last November, I distributed a blaster that compared changes in the debt burdens to Presidential administrations from Harry Truman to George W. Bush.  For readers who missed it, James Fallows of the Atlantic Magazine picked it up and published it here.  At the time, its stark pattern generated considerable interest and criticism, but I suggested that …

Journal: Special Forces, Gay Men, and Co-Ed Showers

Army invited attention to following article in this morning’s daily “Stand-To” e-mail. Special forces wary of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal By Rowan Scarborough The Washington Times 6:39 p.m., Monday, December 27, 2010 Read full article… EXTRACT: The working group’s report contained this observation: “These survey results reveal to us a misperception that a gay …