Arthur Firstenberg: The Invisible Rainbow – A History of Electricity and Life [Radiation Sickness Explains All Past and Present Flu Outbreaks Including Wuhan Virus and Radiation Sickness on Cruise Ships] 5G in Context

ROBERT STEELE: This book documents the high probability that radiation sickness is caused by all forms of electricity including 5G, microwaves, and all other forms of emission. The Spanish flu specifically, the current Wuhan virus — and the cruise ships particularly — as well as cancer and diabetes — are all arguably associated with electromagnetic …

Robert Steele: FAKE PANDEMIC It’s OVER! [President is Correct — This is the New Hoax aka False Flag.]

20200309: President Trump is going to kick some serious ass very soon. He is aware of the bio-drops and the 5G modulations. My original article in mid-February is here: Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? VIDEO (6:26): George Carlin on Germs …

Mongoose: Growth Hormone in Cattle Killing People

PRENATAL EXPOSURE TO DIETHYLSTILBESTROL (DES) IN MALES AND GENDER-RELATED DISORDERS: RESULTS FROM A 5-YEAR STUDY  Scott Kerlin Ph.D “Because DES proved popular as a growth-stimulant in the cattle industry (Raun and Preston, 2002) for more than forty years (McLachlan, 2001), many consumers have also been exposed to unknown amounts of DES as it entered the …