Yoda: Is Donald Trump A Genius? Alert Reader on Suez

Alert Reader writes in: Even though I didn’t really get why, it hit me very hard tonight. SUEZ HAD TO BE -AND WAS- AN OPERATION. SUEZ has been a major international maritime traffic since day one. Hell, Drugs Weapons Humans Oil Raw material and finished products And pharmaceuticals.

Zero Hedge: Erdogan — Is Turkish Diaspora New Islamic Superpower?

Erdoganistan: The New Islamic Superpower? Authored by Giulio Meotti via The Gatestone Institute, “It was a very special day, July 24 [2020],” said France’s leading expert on Islam, Gilles Kepel. “It was pilgrimage time to Mecca and, due to the pandemic, no one was there! It was the anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne, the origin …

Matt Ehret: China Hit With Sobering Splash of Reality as Alaskan Talks Melt Under Heat of U.S. Belligerence

Going into the March 18 diplomatic talks between U.S. and Chinese delegates to discuss the long-term strategic interests of the two nations, China projected a largely positive hope that the days of military aggression, trade wars, sanctions and interference into China’s affairs which characterized much of the past 8 years might finally be coming to …

James Fetzer: Bombshell: Moderna Chief Medical Officer Admits MRNA Alters DNA

Several prominent physicians, doctors, Sons of Liberty Media Health and Wellness expert Kate Shemirani, her colleague Dr. Kevin Corbett, and I have postulated that the current experimental mRNA injection for coronavirus, aka COVID-19, could alter one’s genetic code or DNA. Bill Gates stated it, which was included in my video “Human Genome 8 and mRNA Vaccine” on …

David Lifshultz: Rebuttal The ‘Not-So-Hidden Agenda’ Behind Bossche’s Concern Over COVID Mass Vaccination – Children Health Defense

The very concept of vaccines is erroneous.   It is useful to circulate his views as it might put a brake on the current madness but as to whether this fellow is worthwhile the truth is that he is a fool.  The key problem is the destruction of the immune system by artificially polluted air, water …

Mongoose: “Vaccine” is Fucking Up Software of Life

Moderna’s top scientist: ‘We are actually hacking the software of life’ Here’s why mRNA injections do not meet the legal definition of ‘vaccine’ To understand Biden’s ‘I need you to get vaccinated’ message, follow the money Buried in Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID relief package is $3.5 billion for Bill Gates’ program to ‘vaccinate the world’