Howard Rheingold: Art of Thin Web Collection

GoogleWebSearchEducation 01 Beyond The First Five Links (Tasha Bergson-Michelson–January 12/13, 2011–1 hour 9 minutes) 02 Tools for Assessing Authority on the Web (Julian Prentice–March 15/16, 2011–50 minutes) 03 Introduction to Maps for Research (Trent Maverick–April 12/13, 2011–1 hour 7 minutes) 04 Writing Successful Queries with Predictive Searching (Tasha Bergson-Michelson–May 4, 2011–57 minutes) Gathering and Filtering …

Howard Rheingold: Infotention Skills + Citizen Intel RECAP

Infotention Skills: From Information Overload to Knowledge Navigation An immersive learning experience from the Institute for Social & Network Literacy 21st Century Information Fluency Self-guided Assessment and Tutorial Packages Phi Beta Iota:  US education, like the rest of government-dominated programs, is totally broken.  Apart from the 22% now unemployed, another 22% can expect to be …

Howard Rheingold: 30+ Cool Content Creation Tools

30+ Cool Content Curation Tools for Personal & Professional Use As the web becomes more and more inundated with blogs, videos, tweets, status updates, news, articles, and countless other forms of content, “information overload” is something we all seem to suffer. It is becoming more difficult to weed through all the “stuff” out there and pluck out …

Howard Rheingold: Discovery Engines Trying–and Failing

Infotention “Managing attention & information” Created and curated by Howard Rheingold Discovery Engines: Policing The Riot Of Information Overload | Fast Company Taming this torrent into something manageable and highly relevant is increasingly seen as the key for Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and any other chaotic content network looking to realize monster revenue. That explains why …

Howard Rheingold: Editors Matter More in Cyberspace

Infotention “Managing attention & information” Created and curated by Howard Rheingold Accessibility Vs. Access: The Filter Bubble And Human Information Curation | Maria Popova On Nieman Lab Human-driven information curation is the antidote to this algorithmic disconnect between access and accessibility: The primary purpose of an editor [is] to extend the horizon of what people …