Robert James Beckett: John Stanton on Data Imperialism & Digital Slavery

Ethics? We don’t need no stinkin’ ethics. Imperialism via Data: The Digitization of Human Behavior, “Social Radar”, Sensors and Neuroscience John Stanton, Global Research, 13 March 2016 In 2007 I wrote and presented a conceptual paper to an international studies group in Portugal. The subject matter was, generally, the use of Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience (ECN) …

Mongoose: Is Israel Uniting Muslims Against Apartheid of Palestinians?

Indonesia Leader Calls on Muslim World to Unite on Palestine Indonesia’s president on Monday urged a summit of Muslim nations to be part of the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict rather than part of the problem. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, who heads the most populous Muslim nation, said the entire world is concerned by the …

2016 Robert Steele: The Ultimate Hack – Resilient Villages, Smart Cities, Prosperous Nations at Peace — and Unlimited Clean Water

This briefing has been prepared for the BRICS + Indonesia and Iran — and other nations such as Brunei, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) — as a means of fostering a conversation about the future of Earth and humanity —  there are solutions that are affordable, interoperable, and scalable. SHORT URL (This Post): …

Robert Steele: Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) – Achieving the SDG Goals in a Fraction of the Time at a Fraction of the Price

Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) Achieving the SDG Goals in a Fraction of the Time at a Fraction of the Price Short URL: Salient Points: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are not achievable using the prevailing paradigm of donors, intermediaries, and industrial-era proprietary technologies and costs. The SDG goals can be achieved at a …

Ahmet Sait Yayla: Ali Khan on ISIS Caliphate Doomed to Fail

ISIS Caliphate Doomed to Fail A careful study of the first caliphate (632-661 C.E.) demonstrates that the ISIS caliphate launched by Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi in Iraq is a non-starter. A viable Islamic caliphate would most certainly abolish the kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, and Morocco, the emirates of United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Oman, …