Jean Lievens: Self-Determination as Anti-Extractivism – Indigenous Resistance is Changing World Politics (and Countering Predatory Capitalism)

Self-Determination as Anti-Extractivism: How Indigenous Resistance Challenges World Politics Written by Manuela Picq Monday, 02 June 2014 19:46 Indigeneity is an unusual way to think about International Relations (IR). Most studies of world politics ignore Indigenous perspectives, which are rarely treated as relevant to thinking about the international (Shaw 2008; Beier 2009).   Yet Indigenous …

Answers: Robert Steele to Kevjn Lim on Big Data

Kevjn Lim is an independent writer and Middle East foreign policy analyst at Open Briefing: The Civil Society Intelligence Agency. In the latter half of 2013, he was Turkey representative for the Syria Needs Analysis Project (SNAP), covering the Syrian crisis in the northern governorates and Turkey. From 2007-2011, he served as delegate with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in …

Review: Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)

Elinor Ostrom 5.0 out of 5 stars 6 Star Collective Common Sense Relevant to CYBER-Commons Not Just Earth Commons, May 27, 2014 I read this book shortly after I had read Stop, Thief!: The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance (Spectre) and my first impression is that the book should be re-issued in 2015, a quarter-century after …

Chuck Spinney: George Hishmeh – Pope Francis Confronting Zion in Courageous Brilliant Manner

My new friend George Hishmeh has written a very interesting opinion piece for the Gulf News on the Pope’s upcoming visit to the holy land (attached beneath this introduction). Assuming George’s reporting is accurate, it is clear Pope Francis is raising the stakes by using something like a Motherhood and Mismatch (M&M) Strategy [1] to place …

Robert Steele at LIBTECHNYC: The Open Source Everything Manifesto

YouTube (49:07) Robert David Steele – The Open Source Everything Manifestor @ LIBTECH NYC 21 May 2014 LIBTECH Conference Home Page Time: 8-9 pm Title of Presentation: The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, & Trust Presenter: Robert David Steele Short Description: The Open Source Everything Manifesto is presented in the context of key negative …

Chuck Spinney: Michael Hudson on The New Cold War’s Ukraine Gambit

Long but well worth reading and thinking about. CS   The New Cold War’s Ukraine Gambit Michael Hudson [1] Posted on, 12 May 2014 Michael Hudson is Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at University of Missouri, Kansas City, and former Professor of Economics and Director of Economic Research at the Latvia Graduate School of Law. …

Richard Falk: Nonviolent Geopolitics – Law, Politics, and 21st Century Security

Nonviolent Geopolitics: Law, Politics, and 21st Century Security* In this short essay, my attempt will be to articulate a conception of a world order premised on nonviolent geopolitics, as well as to consider some obstacles to its realization. By focusing on the interplay of “law” and “geopolitics” the intention is to consider the role played …