Marcus Aurelius: Islamic Seat on UN Security Council

A frightening prospect if there ever was one… 3. Islamic Bloc Wants Permanent Seat on Security Council The Islamic world should be granted permanent member status on the United Nations Security Council, according to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s secretary-general. At a recent speech in Moscow, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu asserted that the 57-member OIC, the largest …

Marcus Aurelius: George Will on Bay of Pigs — the Unfinished Battle

   The Bay of Pigs’ unfinished battle By George F. Will, Published: September 13 At 4 a.m. on Jan. 1, 1959, an hour when there were never commercial flights from Havana, David Atlee Phillips was lounging in a lawn chair there, sipping champagne after a New Year’s Eve party, when a commercial aircraft flew low over …

Marcus Aurelius: Al Qaeda Calls for Attacks Within USA

Personal view–cannot confirm or refute press report below but certainly think it’s possible, if not by AQ, then by Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (Quds Force) or by Lebanese Hezbollah.  There is a war going on in northern Mexico over control of drug smuggling routes into United States.  Narcos and terrorists have worked together previously in …

Marcus Aurelius: Collapse of American Influence Recalls Dis-Integration of Soviet Union, Fall of France

Collapse of American Influence Recalls Dis-Integration of Soviet Union, Fall of France By CONRAD BLACK | September 7, 2013 Not since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, and prior to that the fall of France in 1940, has there been so swift an erosion of the world influence of a Great Power as …