Neal Rauhauser: Turkey – Iran – Saudi Arabia in Conflict

Today’s Tripolar Power Struggle A few days ago I came across a map as part of research intended to expand the current Shia/Sunni labels applied to the Syrian conflict into the regional actors that fuel it. Egypt was given a prominent role that likely dated back to thinking about the United Arab Republic, formed early on …

Berto Jongman & Jan Rappoport: Question Authority? You Must Be Crazy.

In the Dutch media there wqs a discussion today about an opinion poll about support for conspiracy theories organized by a Dutch university research group. The researchers used the same arguments as in the NYT piece. If you ask sensible questions and don’t believe the official narrative you must be crazy and have low self …

Marcus Aurelius: Manifesto on Behalf of the Second Amendment

Provided by a retired Marine colonel and apparently written by a former Servicemember and/or law enforcement officer, following is among  very best articles on Second Amendment issue that I’ve ever read.)  Snell: Waking the dragon — How Feinstein fiddled while America burned By Barry Snell, | Posted: Friday, May 3, 2013 12:00 am Along with …

SmartPlanet: Bio-Pods in Ocean + Unstoppable Renewable Grid

Bloom: Photosynthetic pods for mid-ocean living Phytoplankton are microscopic organisms that float around the water surface, harnessing sunlight to make energy for themselves. Like plants, they use chlorophyll to produce oxygen while absorbing carbon dioxide. So, with impending sea level rises, French architecture firm Sitbon Architectes designed a livable, phytoplankton farm to be installed in …

Graphic: Periodic Table of “Terrorist” Groups

The Department of State currently labels 52 groups as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs), and strategic communications firm Navanti has put together a handy graphic to illustrate America’s view of the global terror threat. Drawing from State Department and academic sources, Navanti presents the periodic table of terrorist groups, which details the size, scope, and level of activity of …

SchwartzReport: Is PTSD Contagious? What Cost War to Society Over Generations?

Is PTSD Contagious? It’s rampant among returning vets—and now their spouses and kids are starting to show the same symptoms. —By Mac McClelland Mother Jones | January/February 2013 Issue EXTRACTS: Brannan Vines has never been to war, but her husband, Caleb, was sent to Iraq twice, where he served in the infantry as a designated …

Chuck Spinney: Arab Spring Act II — Near Enemies Falling First?

Arab spring, act two Are the Arab monarchies next? As the chaotic transition towards democracy continues in North Africa and Yemen, the fighting in Syria is intensifying. And, less noticed, opposition to the Arab monarchies is growing. by Hicham Ben Abdallah El Alaoui Le Monde Diplomatique, January 2012 The Arab Spring is not an outcome, …