Ron Paul: Donald Trump Tells the Truth, Does the Right Thing, Stopping Sanctions on North Korea

Trump Tells the Truth: Sanctions Cause People to Suffer This week President Trump admitted what the Washington policy establishment of both parties would rather be kept quiet. Asked why he intervened to block a new round of sanctions on North Korea, he told the media that he believes the people of North Korea have suffered …

Robert Steele: French & Belgian Governments Plotting False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria’s Idlib — Zionists Pressuring Trump?

French, Belgian intelligence are plotting false flag chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib – Moscow The secret services of France and Belgium are plotting to stage a false flag chemical attack in Syria to frame Moscow, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Agents of the two countries are cooperating with terrorist leaders in Idlib. Militants, occupying large …

Consortium News: John Walsh on Daniel Ellsberg on Dismantling the Doomsday Machines (Dead Hand Nuclear Flash Bang, 2 Billion Dead for Sure)

Dismantling the Doomsday Machines What Ellsberg discovered is that some of these “others” are military people who are concerned that they too could be hit in a decapitating strike.  So they also have the authority to delegate. In fact, no one, perhaps not even the president, nor his circle of advisors, knows who can launch …

Yoda: International Appeal – Stop 5G on Earth and in Space

International Threat Report & Appeal to Stop 5G Proliferation To the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations, We the undersigned scientists, doctors, environmental organizations and citizens from ( ) countries, urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. …