Stephen E. Arnold: Autonomy – New Kind of Search? Or Does Search Suck Even More These Days?

Autonomy: A New Kind of Search? Autonomy was founded in 1996. That was 17 years ago. In my upcoming KMWorld column for August/September, I point out that search, content processing, and even analytics have been consistent for many years. There are a number of reasons for the “sameness” of systems and the corresponding difficulty prospects …

Robin Good: Google, Yahoo, Others Fear RSS, Locking It Down — We the People NEED an Autonomous Internet with Open Source Everything!

Marco Arment the creator of Instapaper, has an excellent and provocative piece on why Google is closing down all of its RSS appendages (they just closed also the RSS feeds in Google Alerts) and the logic behind this strategy. Lockdown He writes: “Officially, Google killed Reader because “over the years usage has declined”.1 I believe …

Chuck Spinney: Is Syria About Natural Gas Under the Mediterranean?

The attached essay describes the natural gas bonanza in the Eastern Mediterranean is packed with facts, and it will give you a headache reading it, but it is very important and I recommend it to your attention. Chuck Spinney Bastia, Corsica   Is the US Playing With Gas in Syria? Evan Taylor, Counterpunch, 2013-06-28 4:59 …

Stephen E. Arnold: Palantir Anomalies in Funding, Litigation, & Media

Palantir: $300 Million Not Enough? I spotted a blog post called “Could Palantir Technologies Be Raising Additional Funding?” I have no clue who or what is behind this interesting item. The main idea is that Palantir, a high profile company which has been in the news about litigation and other matters, has been funded already. …

Berto Jongman: NSA Puts Full Force of the Government Against A Poem Containing the Word Terror — We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

Cryptogams & the NSA John Sifton is an attorney at Human Rights Watch. He worked in Afghanistan and Pakistan from 2001 to 2004 and was senior researcher on terrorism and counterterrorism from 2005 to 2007. He is currently the Asia Advocacy Director. The first thing I did after I heard about the highly classified NSA …

Michelle Monk: Collapse of Dollar, Forced Expulsion of Congress in 2013 — Weak Signals, Strong Wishful Thinking

Has the Dollar Collapse Begun? 01 Jun 2013 08:57 PM PDT Some of you may have noticed when I passively posted this article by RT:  Dollar could be in danger as the world’s currency…   Also see these articles: Warning U.S. Dollar Collapse Underway, Massive Shortages in Gold …‎ May 1, 2013 – Warning U.S. …