Reference: Intelligence at the United Nations for Peace Operations

Gustavo Diaz Introduction 1.  The problem of the concept “Intelligence” within the UN terminology’ 2.  The concept of secret in the UN 3.  The necessity of intelligence 4.  Basic Principles in Peacekeeping Operations 5.  The problem of Intelligence sharing 6.  Possible sources of information within the UN Conclusion Source (PDF 17 Pages)

Strategy Archives for Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

1997 US Strategy Steele Cover, Appreciation, Foreword, Contents 1997 US Strategy Steele Creating a Smart Nation: Strategy, Policy, Intelligence, Information 1997 US Strategy Steele E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, and Intelligence 1997 US Strategy Steele Intelligence & Counterintelligence for the 21st Century 1997 US Strategy Steele Secrecy & Openness: Talking Points for Seminar on Intelligence Reform …

UN-NGO Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 US NGO None Draft Legislation to Establish Department of Peace 2006 SE NGO Salin Peacekeeping Intelligence Training 2006 US NGO Steele Peacekeeping Intelligence & Information Peacekeeping 1.3 2006 SE NGO Svensson Swedish Peacekeeping Intelligence Curriculum 2006 SE NGO Svensson Swedish Peacekeeping Intelligence Course Description 2006 US NGO Tillman Department of Peace (Kucinich Supports) 2006 …

Military Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2005 US Military Steele US Army Conference: E3i: Making the Revolution 2005 US Military USA Army Modernization Briefing 2004 US Military Simmons Foreword to the Draft SOF OSINT Handbook 2004 NL Military Wiebes SIGINT in Bosnia 2003 US Military Hardee OSINT in Support of Special Operations 2003 US Military Harrison OSINT Requirements, Collection, & Production …

Government Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 SA Government Yekelo African Early Warning 2002 US Government FSMO Foreign Military Studies Office 2000 US Government Steele Spies and Secrecy in an Open World 1999 US Government Coile Information Overlay for Preparing & Coping with Local Disasters 1999 CA Government George OSINT: Islamic Unrest in China 1999 US Government Heidenrich Genocide Web Sites …