Mongoose: Q as Town Crier — The War in Washington Against The Deep State, Zionists, & Cult of Molech and Ball — Abortion, Mind Control, Pedophilia, Satantic Ritual Abuse

The war in Washington This is a war to the death. If Trump fails, he and his entire family will be killed by the Deep State. If Trump succeeds, the Deep State (Babylon) will fall. In my view, prophecy shows that the time has come for Mystery Babylon to fall, so I believe that Trump …

Mongoose: How Mexico Treats Journalists Who Expose Government-Commercial Pedophilia Networks — Coming Soon to the USA?

Here’s What Happened When a Journalist Exposed a Pedo Sex Ring in Mexico In 2005, she published Los Demonios de Edén (“The Demons of Eden”), a book exposing a child sex trafficking ring involving politicians, government officials, and businessmen. Cacho was arrested and charged with defamation following the book’s publication. In 2006, a transcript of …

SPECIAL: Bill Binney Letter to AG Jefferson Sessions in May 2017 Breaking Open the NSA Database Against Traitors, Pedophiles, and White Collar Criminals

With the permission of Bill Binney, who is to NSA as I am to CIA, the below letter is provided to the public for information. We have redacted two sensitive sentences and contact information. There is a great deal more that could be done.  NSA did not contact Bill and NSA does not have a …