NIGHTWATCH: Syria-Lebanon Tribal Sunni vs Shi’Ite War Widens

Syria-Lebanon: According to a Beirut newspaper, the Syrian opposition group affiliated with al Qaida, the Al-Nusrah Front, has distributed a statement announcing that it will commence military operations in Lebanon. The statement said, “If Hizballah is not deterred from killing our mujahideen brethren in Syria, and if its members do not withdraw from the Syrian …

Graphic: Iran’s Shia Land Bridge to Lebanon & Mediterranean

Source: Cambridge Forecast Shia Crescent Extract: Five major elements underpin the new Shia revival. The first is the sudden militancy of Iran, which has been led aggressively onto the world stage by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. This new Iranian confidence is itself based on internal developments but also three main external factors: the removal of the …

Berto Jongman: EU Emergency Response Centre (no NATO); E-Stonia; Google Takes Hit on Privacy; Strongbox Anonymous Document Sharing Tool

Emergency Response Centre: for a faster and more efficient European response to disasters “With the unfortunately increasing frequency and complexity of disasters, EU Member States need to cooperate even more closely. The new EU Emergency Response Centre provides a state of the art platform that allows them to coordinate under the most extreme circumstances, enables …

Mini-Me: US Air Force Unconstitutional? Justice Scalia Leads Majority Opinion — Could the Department of Homeland Security Also Be Unconstitutional? Plus ANON 1 Comment

Huh? In Stunning 5-4 Decision, Supreme Court Declares Air Force Unconstitutional WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Supreme Court, in a shocking decision, declared the U.S. Air Force unconstitutional earlier today. EXTRACT: After receiving briefs and hearing oral arguments, the Court retired for deliberations. After three months, the Justices announced their decision. The Air Force cannot constitutionally …

Berto Jongman: Anonymous Called Extremist and Scaling Fast

Cyberterrorism Group Anonymous at Forefront of Research By Thomas Woolford and Jonathan Matusitz Extremis Project | February 13, 2013 Extremism can come from the most remote places on earth. It can also stem from locations that are visited thousands of times a day by billions of people with easy access to multitudes of information. When …

Berto Jongman: 80% of Anonymous Bloggers Identified by Stylometric Analysis?

Stylometric analysis to track anonymous users in the underground paganinip Security Affairs, January 10th, 2013 EXTRACT According an interesting study presented by researcher Sadia Afroz at last edition of Chaos Communication Congress in Germany, the 29C3, up to 80 percent of certain anonymous underground forum users can be identified using linguistics, a data that is …