John Robb: Bitcoin is surging out of start-up status

JOURNAL: Bitcoin is getting past start-up cruft A Bitcoin wallet ID for me: 18YYkAMVyZVt6gzpZvBEF5RgsJ7aT7a8Yh Bitcoin, the digital currency system, is starting to mature. As is always the case, maturity isn’t based on age (weak correlation) or success level. It’s based on experience. More specifically, maturity is based on how many difficulties the system overcomes. The …

John Robb: Occupy (Insert XYZ) – Capitalism’s Crisis

OCCUPY (Insert Your City Here): Protesting Capitalism’s Crisis Let me spool you up on what’s going on with the Occupy movement. It’s an open source protest (there’s lots about how open source protests and insurgencies work on this blog, in posts all the way back to 2004).  So, it’s not like the protests you’ve seen in …

John Robb: The Pope of the Church of Capitalism / Capo of Government-Sanctioned Financial Terrorism

JOURNAL: The Pope of the Church of Capitalism Let’s step a bit outside of the day to day grind.  I spent a bit of time watching the Chairman of the Federal Reserve “scold” Congress.  This got my brain thinking a bit outside the box.  So I’ll share with you my thoughts. The Chairman of the …

John Robb: Occupy Wall Street – The Theory (An Open Source Insurgency By-Passing the US Government)

OCCUPY WALL STREET (the theory) Really simple: Occupy Wall Street is an open source protest. This type of protest has been very effective over the last year in toppling regimes in north Africa. It’s proving relatively successful in the US too. Open source protest is an organizational technique. Probably the only organizational technique that can …

John Robb: Parking Lot Gardens, Five Banks that Destroyed the Global Economy, Mafia Governance (Including USA), and Cyberwar Fact Check

Case study. Turning a parking lot into a garden. Too big to fail. Five banks account for 96% of $250 trillion in derivatives. Cyberwar fact check. “Nearly all SCADA systems are online.” and “747’s are big flying Unix hosts.” NGO leader looks at the rise of ‘mafia governance.’ See Also: Paradigms of Failure Legitimate Grievances (US Internal) Legitimate …