John Robb: Public Holds Wall Street, US Government, and Two Political Parties in Relatively Equal Disdain

Public ire hits Wall Street, and government By Jon Cohen Washington Post, 12 October 2011 The fledgling Occupy Wall Street protests tap into a deep vein of public animosity toward the country’s major financial institutions, one that is on par with the deep negativity aimed at Washington, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. …

John Robb: Differences Between Tea Party & OWS

There are two major differences between the Tea Party and OWS: 1) The Tea Party is affiliated with the Republican party, and not replicated elsewhere in the world. 2) OWS rejects both parties and all forms of institutionalized corruption, and has been replicated all over the world.

John Robb: A Capitalism Reformation?

JOURNAL: A Capitalist Reformation? Here is some thinking that you might find interesting.  Remember, history rhymes but doesn’t repeat. Here’s a simplification of the historical pattern of Reformation.  Think of it in terms of the global Capitalist system: Universal system. Compliance and participation enforced by violence. Bureaucratic and lethargic.  Corrupt and unfair.  Hardship and misery. …