Worth a Look: Science in the Private Interest: Has the Lure of Profits Corrupted Biomedical Research?

Book Description: Something has changed in the culture and values of academic science over the last quarter-century. University science is now entangled with entrepreneurship, and researchers with a commercial interest are caught in an ethical quandary. How can an academic scientist honor knowledge for its own sake, while also using knowledge as a means to …

Mini-Me: Corrupted Science – Science in the Private Interest

Huh? This project titled “Corrupted Science” was developed as part of a series of lectures that explores the disengagement of science from its ethical roots, resulting in a loss of honesty, integrity, objectivity, autonomy, and public confidence. A series of power point presentations highlight the corrupting influences on scientific practice. This site grew out of …

Patrick Meier: Using Big Data to Inform Poverty Reduction Strategies — Data Science for Social Good: Not Cognitive Surplus but Cognitive Mismatch

Using Big Data to Inform Poverty Reduction Strategies My colleagues and I at QCRI are spearheading a new experimental Research and Development (R&D) project with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) team in Cairo, Egypt. Colleagues at Harvard University, MIT and UC Berkeley have also joined the R&D efforts as full-fledged partners. The research question: can …

Jean Lievens: Video (1:39:09) Science Beyond Reductionism – “Model Free Methods” as a Holistic Shift

Monica Anderson is CEO of Syntience Inc. and originator of a theory for learning called “Artificial Intuition” that may allow us to create computer based systems that can understand the meaning of language in the form of text. Here she discusses the ongoing paradigm shift – the “Holistic Shift” – which started in the life …

John Maguire: YouTube Audio (1:21:36) Blue Science’s Matt Pulver: Subquantum Kinetics, Pathological Science, and Modeling Consciousness

Published on May 17, 2013 Interview with Physicist and Consciousness Researcher Matt Pulver on the topics of Theoretical Physics, the Sociology of Science, and Consciousness/Perception. Matt works with Dr. Paul LaViolette in modeling Subquantum Kinetics; Dr. Paul’s novel systems approach to microphysics and cosmology. Matt is also the coordinator of Project Camelot’s Blue Science, an …