Experienced Pathologist Explains Blood Clots, Nano Tech and Parasites in COVID Vaccines

Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist with 26 years of experience, explains that the blood clots that have been found by morticians, and also in living patients, are congealed protein made from an amyloid-like material. Dr. Cole said the microscopic rod and circuit-like structures others have identified as graphene oxide are actually cholesterol crystals, stacked-layered cholesterol, …

US Govt. Paid Catholic Charities $3 Billion to Traffic People across the US/Mexico Border

Ben Bergquam, a patriot who is Catholic, exposed Catholic Charities in McAllen, Texas for trafficking people into the US. He said that Catholic Charities is a social justice organization tied to the undermining of America by the left. He said that the US government has paid Catholic Church over $3 billion for trafficking migrants. Bergquam …

Hyper Inflation Alert: Food Prices Going Parabolic

A unique and “extraordinary” set of economic conditions is steering the globe towards a crisis worse than any of the stock market crashes or energy shocks of the last 70 years, Elliott warned in a recent letter to clients, the Financial Times reported Wednesday. –MSN