Rickard Falkvinge: Government Terrorizes Boston — Say What?

Terrorists Tried to Terroize Boston — They Succeeded Last night, the city of Boston, Massachusetts and some surrounding suburbs shut down. The only people on the streets were heavily armed police and military. Most businesses closed, many hospitals closed, and people were ordered to stay in their homes. Why? Because a 19-year-old terror suspect was …

John Robb: Open Source Warfare Never Goes Away (Right) — Boston Bombing Was Open Source Warfare (Wrong) + Boston Bombing RECAP

OPEN SOURCE WARFARE never goes away Boston is a reminder that:  Open source warfare doesn’t ever go away. It can be revived with a terrible suddenness, as we saw at the Boston Marathon. The grievances and motivations  for attacks never die.  They can always find a corner of the Web to fester and grow, in …

Paul Craig Roberts: What Ifs — Reagan Treasury Official Reflects On Our Current Incapacities

What If? — Paul Craig Roberts “What If?” histories are a good read. They are entertaining, and they provoke thought and encourage the imagination. How different the world would be if different judgments, decisions, and circumstances had prevailed at history’s turning points. Certainly English history would have been different if King Harold’s soldiers had obeyed …

Owl: Tuareg Independence — Does This Scare the French More than Algerian Terrorists Armed by the USA?

Tuareg Independence, not Al Quada Terrorists, is the the Real Target of the French and West Justin Raimondo’s analysis and debunking of what is really going on in Mali has it right, I believe: it is not about expunging Al Queda or terrorist affiliates, but rather about reasserting French imperialism at a time when the …

Penguin: Global Covert Campaign to Undermine Obama – Who, Exactly, Is Doing What?

Am in Europe where this was brought to my attention.  I don’t know what to think of this.   My local government counterparts are  quite certain that this anti-Islam film was a deliberate and orchestrated affair. We live in a very dangerous time. I hope people will take the right decisions. EDIT:  One of my counterparts …