Stephen Aftergood: Pentagon Dismisses Presidential Promises of Open Government, Mounts Major Campaign to Control UN-Classified Information

PENTAGON TIGHTENS GRIP ON UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION In 2005, the U.S. Army issued a new field manual on the military use of dogs, which it said were being “employed in dynamic ways never before imagined.”  The field manual was approved for public release and marked for unlimited distribution.  See FM 3-19.17, “Military Working Dogs” (pdf), 6 …

Briefings & Lectures Directory (List)

Includes audio-visual interviews & testimony. Secret intelligence is ten percent of all-source intelligence; all-source intelligence is ten percent of Information Operations (IO).  IO is the foundation for Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2), which in turn makes it possible to create a world that works for all. Updated 19 June 2015. Short URL …

Cynthia McKinney: Media Contrived Fog of War

Coy’s article was edited; this is the edited version that appears in PolyMic. Media Fog of War Coy McKinney An embedded reporter snaps war footage. The U.S. military-industrial complex and media work together to propagate the agenda of government. NATO’s decision to intervene in Libya on humanitarian grounds has become an alarming and revealing assessment …

Review–Secrets of the Cold War: US Army Europe’s Intelligence and Counterintelligence Activities Against the Soviets During the Cold War

Leland C. McCaslin Superb Ground-level View, Less So On Context February 23, 2011 As a former direct report to John Guenther, who served along the same lines for many years in Marine Corps counterintelligence in Europe and elsewhere, I have to admire what this author has done and certainly agree that it is useful and …

Reference: WikiLeaks–Punishment of the Innocent by the Unwitting Begins

Memo FYI.  It is security theater that will simply end up withdrawing functionality from loyal employees who have hard jobs to do with computers.  MA Phi Beta Iota: This may be the most meaningless document we have seen in our history. See Also from Same Source: Journal: DoD, WikiLeaks, JCS, Security Ad Naseum… See Also: …