Howard Rheingold: Discovery Engines Trying–and Failing

Infotention “Managing attention & information” Created and curated by Howard Rheingold Discovery Engines: Policing The Riot Of Information Overload | Fast Company Taming this torrent into something manageable and highly relevant is increasingly seen as the key for Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and any other chaotic content network looking to realize monster revenue. That explains why …

John Robb: State Failure, Deep Resistance, Open War

Anonymous declares war on Facebook. For those of you interested in how global guerrilla warfare theory is being applied in the wild, here’s a book for you:  Deep Green Resistance (by Derrick Jenson,  Aric McBay, and Lierre Keith). Here’s a little on their ecowarfare strategy from their website, and some more on how they use open source warfare and …

Mario Profaca: Sixty is the New Forty. Keep Going!

Happy Birthday, Robert.  Sixty is the new forty–you’ve got another quarter century to achieve public intelligence in the public interest.  Keep going! Mario Phi Beta Iota:  Our founder turned 59 today, but agrees completely with the above  sentiments, with thanks.  Visit Mario’s Cyberspace Station, the Global Intelligence News Portal.