J. C. Cole: List of Events Suggesting On-Going Sabotage of Petroleum and Other Economic Choke Points

1 gal of diesel working the field in a tractor replaces 500 man hours manual labor in the field. Agriculture is screwed without diesel. In 2015 I was told by a friend since passed: Prepare for war, my friend. The big one is coming. Evil vs. really the rest of the world…chaotic messes are coming. …

Paul Craig Roberts: US Federal Appeals Court Says Fuck Israel, Boycotts are Constitutional

US Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Law Protecting Israel From Boycotting The Israel Lobby spent a lot of money to get corrupt legislatures in 32 states to protect Israel from being boycotted. The laws are in violation of the First Amendment and are being struck down. The Lobby’s other shield that protects Israel’s theft of …