Hackers on Planet Earth: Daniel Ellsberg Confirmed as Keynote

HOPE X July 18-20, 2014 Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City We’re thrilled to announce that the whistleblower of all whistleblowers – Daniel Ellsberg – will be a keynote speaker at HOPE X in New York City this July. Daniel Ellsberg was the cause of one of the biggest political controversies in the history of the …

Review (Guest): From Conflict to Creative Collaboration

Rosa Zubizarreta 5 out of 5 stars. Really impressive – an unconventional topic, described clearly, remarkably By Tom Atlee on March 31, 2014 Dynamic Facilitation generates a remarkably effective creative group process whose nonlinearity makes it seem very peculiar indeed. This unusual facilitation approach – often dubbed “DF” – is built around a few deceptively …

Mini-Me: Malaysian Airlines – Government Says Sealed Evidence Cannot Be Made Public

Huh? Malaysia Says There Is Sealed MH370 “Evidence” That Cannot Be Made Public Malaysian government continues to backtrack after initial evidence in case of missing flight is proven false MALAYSIA (INTELLIHUB) — Malaysian officials told relatives of passengers from missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 that there was sealed evidence, which will not be made public. …

Google and Pricing: High Stakes WalMarting Just When Amazon Is Least Ready For A Price War

Google and Pricing: High Stakes WalMarting I read a number of write ups about the new Google cloud pricing. The main idea, in my opinion, that  unifies the different reports is, “Everybody loves a bargain.” Consider “Google Slashes Cloud Prices: Google vs AWS Price Comparison.” The essay-editorial begins with the invocation of the Google-Amazon joust: …

Jean Lievens: People Share for Convenience and Price – Sustainable Lifestyle is Reason #6

People Are Sharing in the Collaborative Economy for Convenience and Price Jeremiah Owyang Below Graphic: Partnered with Vision Critical, Crowd Companies (the association I started for big brands in the collaborative economy) surveyed over 90,000 people to find out why they share goods, services, space, transportation, and money. A dissection of the largest study in …