Journal: Cognitive Dissonance, Military Suicides, and an Alternative Interpretation of the Fort Hood Deaths

For over many years now Phi Beta Iota has been emphasizing both the inappropriate secrecy and obscurity contrived for our dead and wounded, and the almost total black-out on both amputees (many of them multiple amputees) and suicides. We now know that Gulf I brought back over 250,000 disabled veterans, and that the toxic brew …

Journal: The Rise and Rise Further of Turkey (Along with the Collapse of Israel and the NeoCons)

Chuck Spinney Sends… As someone who has lived in Turkey for most of the last two years, I have watched the development of her foreign policy with great interest, not to mention a good deal of confusion It is hard to make sense out this rapidly-emerging, vibrant country of 70 million, increasingly well-educated, industrious people.  …

Journal: Out of Touch with Reality III

Chuck Spinney Sends… America’s diplomatic recipe for winning the hearts and minds of “furriners” in the 21st Century: Mix –  Blind unreasoning fear with the Domestic politics of privatizing embassy protection and the Domestic politics of huge construction contracts into neat grand-strategic soufflé, then bake it in the domestic political-economic oven of heated by the coals of the …

Journal: Constant Technical Stare vs. Engaged Brain

Military Refines A ‘Constant Stare Against Our Enemy’ The rapidly increasing surveillance power of unmanned aircraft gives U.S. officials an option beside s troops By Julian E. Barnes    November 2, 2009   Pg. 1 WASHINGTON — The Pentagon plans to dramatically increase the surveillance capabilities of its most advanced unmanned aircraft next year, adding so many …

Event: 16-18 Nov 09 Doha, Qatar, World Innovation Summit for Education

Under the umbrella theme: “Global Education: Working Together for Sustainable Achievements”, the Forum will endeavour to rethink the education challenges of the 21st century. The Forum will address the 3 following themes: Theme 1 – Pluralism Creating education for respect and understanding, increasing access and equalities in a globalised education. Theme 2 – Sustainability Sustaining …