Robert Steele: 15 Constitutional Amendments — Protect, Modify, Cancel — UPDATE 4

Short URL: We need a Convention of States to restore the original construct in which the federal government is a service of common concern to the SOVEREIGN states, and individual sovereignty is restored. All three branches of the federal government have been chipping away at the Constitution, to include the right to a trial …

Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 21 – Time to Cut Them Off

While I question the intelligence of anyone who would travel to Israel after properly calling for a boycott — Zionist Israel is a fascist apartheid genocidal state — this incident and the manner in which the US citizen has been treated qualifies as Zionist Strike 21.  It also highlights the degree to which the Anti-Defamation …

Mongoose: Zionist-Jewish Blacklisting and Intimidation

REVEALED: Canary Mission Blacklist Is Secretly Bankrolled By Major Jewish Federation For three years, a website called Canary Mission has spread fear among undergraduate activists, posting more than a thousand political dossiers on student supporters of Palestinian rights. The dossiers are meant to harm students’ job prospects, and have been used in interrogations by Israeli …

Ed Jewett: Zionist “Ex” Soldiers Running International Pedophilia Network…

Ex-Israeli soldier heading child prostitution ring spanning Latin America deported from Colombia Also known as Assi Ben-Mosh, he has been connected with drug trafficking and sexual exploitation throughout Europe and in Japan and has been investigated by police in Spain, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Thailand, India and Brazil. RELATED: Assi Ben-Mosh suspected of involvement with child trafficking …

Paul Craig Roberts: Joanathan Greenblatt, Anti-Defamation League, Earns Almost $700,000 a Year and Is Overpaid by 57%

An agent of a foreign power, very well paid. Institution Revenue: $55,295,291 Institution Total Expenses: $54,166,490 Employees: 408 Salary: $689,8309 Overpaid by: 57% The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is the Zionist secret police, an agent of a foreign power (Zionist Israel) that specializes in censoring and digitally assassinating anyone who dares to address Zionist penetration of …

Phil Giraldi: Shutting Down Free Speech in America: Government and Lobbyists Work Together to Destroy the First Amendment

Shutting Down Free Speech in America: Government and Lobbyists Work Together to Destroy the First Amendment As most genuine independent journalism is currently limited to the alternative media, and that media lives on the internet, the ADL and those who are acting in collusion with the Israeli government are focusing on “cyberhate” as the problem …