Hamid Dabashi: An American and an Arab Walk Into a Saudi Consulate….One (Thomas Friedman) Come Out Smiling and Writes About Saudi Reforms, the Other (Jamal Khashoggi) is Tortured, Dismembered, and Never Seen Again. What Can We Learn from This?

An American and an Arab journalist walk into a Saudi Consulate On Thomas Friedman, ‘his friend’ Jamal Khashoggi, and our duty to expose the malicious ignorance of imperial messengers. Hamid Dabashi, Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. The New York Times is the barometer of the health and sickness …

Robert Steele: #GoogleGestapo – Facebook Meddling in 2018 Election

Facebook Meddles in the 2018 Midterm Elections On October 11, Facebook announced the removal of 559 pages and 251 accounts from its service, accusing the account holders of “spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior.” In other words, Facebook’s administrators are meddling in politics — including the 2018 US midterm elections — in the name of preventing …

Robert Steele: Washington Examiner on Trump’s Successes (Vastly Superior to What the White House Communications Team Can Produce)

ROBERT STEELE: My focus is on election reform so as to terminate the Deep State. To that end I believe that President Donald Trump is my best shot at getting this idea considered. Sadly the White House Communications Team sucks.  They are simply incapable of presenting the President and his accomplishments to the public in …

Mongoose: Time to End Netanyahu’s Influence

Benjamin Netanyahu Is No Friend to America Netanyahu specializes in selling danger to the American people. As someone who spent four years (from 1994 to 1998) working closely with Israel’s intelligence service to uncover the truth about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction programs, I can attest that Israeli intelligence is better than most at what …

Ron Unz: American Pravda – 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and the Zionist Control of America

American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories As President George W. Bush began inexorably moving America toward the Iraq War in 2002, I realized with a terrible sinking feeling that the notoriously pro-Israel Neocon zealots had somehow managed to seize control of the foreign policy of his administration, a situation I could never have imagined even in …