Michel Bauwens: The Emerging Fourth Sector

Richly deserving of careful attention. The Emerging Fourth Sector The Three Traditional Sectors Businesses create and distribute goods and services that enhance our quality of life, promote growth, and generate prosperity. They spur innovation, reward entrepreneurial effort, provide a return on investment and constantly improve their performance responding to market feedbacks. They draw on the …

John Steiner: From Israel, Call for Politics of Heroism versus Hope

Phi Beta Iota:  The full combination of pieces is strongly recommended as  a total read.  The contributing author whose work has been forwarded by Brother John makes a fundamental ethical and intellectual mistake, assuming that there is a significant difference between the Democratic and Republican parties.  Not so.  This is not an either/or choice between …

Yoda: Follow the Money – Voters, Voting, Information and Influence

Follow the Money Recent court decisions (re)affirming corporate personhood and premise that campaign contributions are (protected) free speech punctuated the fear of some that politicians—biennially for sale to the highest bidder—would increase in cost and become the exclusive province of the rich, which would give truth to the sobriquet, “the ruling class”. It is unfair, …

2012 Robert Steele at Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE)

Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) 9 Home Page Friday Plenary Presentation: Testing the Two-Party Tyranny and Open Source Everything: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic Day/Time: Friday, July 13, 2012 – 1200 Location: Sassaman (18th floor) Steele 1.3 Two-Party Tyranny & Battle for the Soul of the Republic Robert David Steele, opening speaker …