Review: The New Rules of War – Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder by Sean McFate

Sean McFate 3 Stars — Company Grade Officer Dabbles as Mercenary, Earns PhD, Pens a Sophmoric Best Seller Catering to Deep State Interests Reviewed by Robert David Steele This book is at best a ten page article with ten cute “rules” half of which are wrong. There are some useful observations in the book but …

Paul Craig Roberts: American Leadership Discredited — Will a New Leader Step Forward?

American Leadership Is Discredited — Will a New Leader Step Forward? The alliance between Israel and the neoconservatives is causing a war. The solution is a countervailing alliance that brings the warmongers to their senses. Trump, Pompeo, political generals, rapture evangelism, and presstitutes are simultaneously discrediting the US government, the US military, Christianity, and giving …

Review: Before Our Very Eyes – Fake Wars and Big Lies from 9/11 to Donald Trump by Thierry Meyssan

Thierry Meyssan 5 Star Brilliant and unique truth telling from three points of view: Arab, French, US — an Indictment of Empire I have been a deep admirer of the intelligence and integrity and local knowledge as well as strategic acumen of  Thierry Mayssan ever since he accurately understood 9/11 as an inside job, long …