Journal: It’s a Depression–and It is NOT Getting Better….

“End of the Recession? Who’s Kidding Whom?” Immanuel Wallerstein< Commentary No. 296, Jan. 1, 2011 The media are telling us that the economic “crisis” is over, and that the world-economy is once more back to its normal mode of growth and profit. On December 30, Le Monde summed up this mood in one of its …

Journal: US Public Health InfoTech NOT….

Public Health Information Technology: Additional Strategic Planning Needed to Guide HHS’s Efforts to Establish Electronic Situational Awareness Capabilities GAO-11-99 December 17, 2010 A catastrophic public health event could threaten our national security and cause hundreds of thousands of casualties. Recognizing the need for efficient sharing of real-time information to help prevent devastating consequences of public …

Journal: A Glimpse Into Emergent Populist Intelligence

Tags Activist Altruist Centrist Coffee Party Communitarian Globalist Green Humanist Organizer Patriot Peacemaker Programmer Progressive Spiritual Theorist Transpartisan Universalist Volunteer Worker Writer Issues Balanced judgment Church and state Citizen participation and engagement Cooperation Corporate power Fragmented or disjointed thinking Grassroots mobilization Inclusion Media Mistrust Money in politics National unity Partisanship in politics Spin and distortion …