Review: The Declaration of Independence – A Betrayal of the American Dream by Sal Martingano

Sal Martingano 5 Stars — A Superb Citizen Prime Ends with Indictment of Barack Obama Amazon Description: In Book One of The Declaration of Dependence, Media and the Government, Dr. Sal Martingano goes over his years of research in government, the deception of the media, how social media has taken control of public opinion, the …

Zero Hedge: DiGenova Says Comey and Brennan Were Coup Leaders, Enlisted Foreign Powers, Framed Flynn and Others

DiGenova: Comey And Brennan Were ‘Coup Leaders’ DiGenova says the Obama Justice Department was corrupted under Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, “with the authority and knowledge of then-president” Obama, and that a ‘stupid and arrogant’ Susan Rice was dumb enough to document his knowledge in a January 20th, 2017 email.   . . . …