Eagle: New March on Washington for Civil Rights + Black Liberation RECAP

New March on Washington focuses on modern civil rights WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands gathered today on the nation’s “front yard,” the National Mall near the Lincoln Memorial, yearning for a bit of the transcendent sense of racial unity heralded on this spot by Martin Luther King 50 years ago in his “I Have a …

Berto Jongman: Six Government Lies on Videotape?

Surveillance Has the Gov’t Lied on Snooping? Let’s Go to the Videotape By Kara Brandeisky and Stephen Suen, ProPublica Published July 30, 2013 Since Edward Snowden leaked a trove of documents detailing the NSA’s sweeping surveillance programs, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper acknowledged that part of his congressional testimony in March was “erroneous.” But …

Mini-Me: $75 Billion a Year, and US IC Still Cuts and Pastes Without Updating Years’ Old Information

Huh? US Intelligence Report a Cut-Paste on Chinese Missiles College students can be flunked for cut-and-paste reports, think tankers can be embarrassed, Defense News staff writers can be fired, but not, apparently, members of the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC). Most of its so-called “updated” report, 2013 Ballistic and Cruise Missile Threat, which …

2013 Robert Steele: It’s Time for Crisis Mappers to Spin Up Corruption Mappers 2.0 + Corruption RECAP

I share with Lawrence Lessig the conviction that corruption is the principal threat to humanity.  I would add to that my own view that corruption is responsible for 50% of all investments being wasted, be they in agriculture, energy, health, or the military, as representative domains.  I also believe that corruption will persist until individuals …

Berto Jongman: West Point Software for Mapping Organized (Street) Crime — Made in Israel, Another Back Door to US Data?

Unmasking organised crime networks with data Military software engineers have developed a program that can predict the social structures of street gangs. Philip Ball explains how it could help fight crime. One of the big challenges in fighting organised crime is precisely that it is organised. It is run a bit like a business, with …

Marcus Aurelius: NSA Rejecting All US Citizen FOIA Requests — While FISA Court, Which Has No Jurisdiction Domestically, Goes Stasi

Daily Kos: NSA Rejecting Every FOIA Request Made by U.S. Citizens NYT:  In Secret, Court Vastly Broadens Powers Of N.S.A. See Also: GCHQ Surveillance: The Power of Britain’s Data Vacuum Rickard Falkvinge: Sweden Works for NSA Which Works for Israel, Against Russia and Also Europe? Snowden Interview: NSA ‘In Bed Together with the Germans’