Owl: Financial Terrorism in USA Against USA by Wall Street and 400 Specifically Named Most Wealthy

EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America: Over 1 Million Deaths Annually, 62 Million People With Zero Net Worth, As the Economic Elite Make Off With $46 Trillion Editor’s Note: The following report includes adapted excerpts from David DeGraw’s book, “The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III.” Release Date: 9.28.11 Analysis of Financial …

Reference: Shadowy Figures – Tracking Illicit Financial Transactions in the Murky World of Digital Currencies, Peer-to-Peer Networks, and Mobile Device Payments

Shadowy Figures: Tracking Illicit Financial Transactions in the Murky world of Digital Currencies, Peer-to-Peer Networks, and Mobile Device Payments John Villasenor, Cody Monk, Christopher Bronk Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings and James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy Rice University, August 29. 2011 EXTRACT: Scale enables vanishing low transaction costs, which are an …

Douglas Rushkoff: Death of the Financial Parasite….Good!

Program Your Own Money Douglas Rushkoff Reality Sandwich EXTRACT: Yes, we are watching something melt down. But I’d argue the thing that’s dying is not business itself, but a financial parasite — a speculative marketplace that no longer funds business but instead seeks to extract value from healthy commerce. More a funds vampire than an …

John Robb: 147 Banks & Corporations as Global Financial Cancer, Gray Markets Fairs, Urban Foraging

JOURNAL: Global Financial Cancer EXTRACT:  A new paper, The Network of Global Corporate Control by Vitali et. al. from ETH in Zurich.  This paper finds, through extensive network analysis, that a small group of tightly intertwined financial institutions control the bow of the global financial system.  It is in effect, the world’s first super-organism.  147 …

Interviews: Bill Black & Yves Smith Our Financial Fraud Crisis

Audio of Bill Black featured on “Le Show” with Harry Shearer “Bill Black fraud” at DuckDuckGo Bill Black is an expert on white-collar crime. Audio of Yves Smith featured on “Le Show” with Harry Shearer Yves Smith’s (author of ECONned) Naked Capitalism Review (Guest): ECONned: How Unenlightened Self Interest Undermined Democracy and Corrupted Capitalism

Financial Rape of Libya — Assassination vs Invasion

Gaddafi’s Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains ‘Financial Terrorism’ RT  –  18 hours ago Watch video Phi Beta Iota: China and Russia both appear to have explained to Goldman Sachs executives that they will be assassinated if they do not make good on their financial rapes against those two countries.  Libya appears to have adopted the …

Complex Societies Collapse When Commodity Prices Go UP and Financial Speculation Returns Go DOWN

JOURNAL: Oil >$100 Crunch time ahead (again)? The last time the price of oil topped $100 a barrel for an extended period, we ended up in a global financial meltdown.  Is this time any different? Not much. All of the excessively financial leverage and fraudelent derivative wealth we had during the last melt down is …