Lynn Wheeler: Why Financial Systems Demand False Complexity and Ignorance…Corruption is Merely a Bonus

Financial Cryptography Where the crypto rubber meets the Road of Finance… December 11, 2011 Why (my, all) financial systems fail — information complexity I spent over a decade building the snappiest financial system around. In that time I pursued one goal of efficiency: reduction of complexity. This wasn’t only goodness in an angelic sense, it …

Mini-Me: European-US Banking–Tangled Web — Tell Me Again, Why Shouldn’t We Default and Let the Banks Fry? + Financial Terrorism RECAP

The question has to be asked: “Why shouldn’t we default and let the banks fry?” What possible benefit it there to the people of a nation whose previous leaders “sold out” the entire country on the basis of lies from the banks, notably Goldman Sachs? Why not default and focus on full employment and resilience …

John Robb: Collapse of the Western Financial “System”

Here’s a scenario from William Buiter (the chief economist at Citi) on what could happen if the EU collapses: Disorderly sovereign defaults and eurozone exits by all five periphery states would drag down not just the European banking system but also the north Atlantic financial system and the internationally exposed parts of the rest of …

Josh Kilbourn: Bush-Obama End Financial Prosecutions

US Federal Prosecutions For Financial Fraud In the Obama Administration Fall to Record Lows Jesse’s Cafe Americain, 16 November 2011 The declines in US Federal prosecutions for financial fraud  that began under G.W. Bush have followed that down trend that in the first three years of the Obama Administration. That might make more sense if Obama …

John Robb: The Pope of the Church of Capitalism / Capo of Government-Sanctioned Financial Terrorism

JOURNAL: The Pope of the Church of Capitalism Let’s step a bit outside of the day to day grind.  I spent a bit of time watching the Chairman of the Federal Reserve “scold” Congress.  This got my brain thinking a bit outside the box.  So I’ll share with you my thoughts. The Chairman of the …

Mini-Me: 57 Finance Ministers Creating New Financial System–Over 50,000 Bankers to Be Held Accountable

This begs to be noticed.  Being passed around in gold recovery circles. NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM by Benjamin Fulford August 30, 2011 from Kauilapele Website For the past week, a secret meeting of 57 finance ministers aimed at setting up a new international financial system took place in a large ship on international waters near Europe, …