Review (Guest): Westmoreland – The General Who Lost Vietnam – Includes Second Review With Contextual Detail on Failure of Intelligence (Including Soviets Owning US Crypto)

Lewis Sorley A Man Promoted Above his Ability September 12, 2011 By Hrafnkell Haraldsson VINE™ VOICE I grew up during the Vietnam War. I was seven years old when General William Westmoreland was sent to Vietnam by LBJ to take charge of things there. I was eleven when he lost his job and by then, …

Event: 12 May + Online Extraterrestrials, the Secret Government, and You… an invitation — $90

Two Worlds in Collision: Extraterrestrials, the Secret Government, and You Host: Richard Dolan In the wake of an ever-growing police state, it seems the secret of human contact with other intelligences present on the Earth has been hidden. Who is keeping the secret hidden? What and who are these intelligences operating behind the scenes, and …

NIGHTWATCH: China Builds Economic-Tourism Bridge to Taiwan, Puts PLA Into a Box – US Will Continue to Demonize China for Unethical Reasons

Sixteen years ago, Pingtan Island, just north west of Taiwan, was the center of Chinese military energies to intimidate Taiwanese voters against electing a pro-independence president. Major amphibious operations were staged, some with catastrophic loss of life by military personnel because of bad weather. This also was the first time China attempted to maintain continuous …

2012 Reality Sandwich: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic

The Battle for the Soul of the Republic Reality Sandwich, 10 April 2012 Robert David Steele Vivas The National Security Agency (NSA) mega-data center, combined with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) special relationship with Google, and the federalization of local police using Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funds to pay for monitoring both the locations …

Robert Steele: Occupy World Street – Summary Article and Book

Dr. Thomas Naylor, co-founder of the Vermont Second Republic and the secession movement of Vermont, has written an extremely coherent/cogent account of a new book, Occupy World Street: A Global Roadmap for Radical Economic and Political Reform by Ross Jackson. The article alone is priceless, the book is recommended.  I have reviewed books by Thomas …

Robert Steele: Transportation Security Agency as Poster Child for Doing Wrong Thing Righter

I travel enough to have a solid view of the Transportation Security Agency (TSA).  They are good people trapped in a bad system.  The article below is completely wrong in pressing forward with the meme of TSA as molestors of children and old people.  TSA has a good heart, it just lacks a brain.  TSA …