Undersea Cables: The Achilles Heel of our Economies

Franz-Stefan Gady Foreign policy analyst, EastWest Institute Huffington Post, Posted: December 21, 2010 02:20 PM In December 2008 within milliseconds, Egypt lost 70 percent of its connection to the outside Internet. In far away India, 50 to 60 percent of online connectivity similarly was lost. In Pakistan, 12 million people were knocked offline suddenly, and …

Journal: Army Industrial-Era Network Security + Cyber-Security RECAP (Links to Past Posts)

Army Times article, second below, reports what the beginning of what I expect will be a major decline in functionality of Army computer systems.  While some sort of institutional response to the alleged Wikileaks traitor, Specialist Bradley Manning, is appropriate, I don’t think this is it.  This is a simplistic approach, the sort of thing …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China-Iran Rail + China ReCap

China-Iran: China’s Railways Minister Liu Zhijun will visit Tehran on 12 September to sign a contract between Iran and a Chinese company to build a $2 billion rail link to Iran, according to Iranian Transport Minister Hamid Behbahani. Transport ministers from Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Iran are expected to gather in Dushanbe in October to firm …

Event: 17-18 March, Washington, DC, USA ICIW 2011

CFP: International Conference on Information Warfare and Security 17-18 March 2011, Washington, D.C. Information warfare, cyber-operations, and information security are areas of specialized research covering multiple areas of expertise.  This conference is designed to bring together conceptualists, operators, and researchers to exchange and explore ideas covering these areas.  Past conferences have attracted participants from all over the globe, …

Review: SnowCrash

WARNING: This is the GERMAN language edition. For English see Snow Crash (Bantam Spectra Book). I received this book as a gift at one of the Silicon Valley Hackers/THINK Conference where I was elected to membership in 1992 or so, and it remains for me the first window into the cyber-chaos that results when CIA …