Robert Steele: President Trump’s Failed Communications — And Alex Jones Has a Point “Stop Social Media Censorship or Lose 2020”

Brad Parscale and Bill Shine don’t know what they don’t know.  Parscale is tripling down on micro-approaches to small donors within the base and its edges while neglecting everyone else because the Trump campaign simply does not have credibility or channels for blacks, suburban women, Latinos, or Independents as well as Libertarians, Constitution Party, and …

Robert Steele: HR 1, Election Reform, Next Steps UPDATE 2: Fraud

Superficially the proposed electoral reforms are many and impressive.  However, a closer look reveals that the Democrats want to digitize districting (think Diebold fraud on a grander scale) and they are also setting the stage for non-citizens to vote in local, state, and federal elections. As best I can  tell they have NOT consulted with …