Facebook Open Source Hardware $140B and Rising

How Facebook is eating the $140 billion hardware market It started out as a controversial idea inside Facebook. In four short years, it has turned the $141 billion data-center computer-hardware industry on its head. Facebook’s extraordinary Open Compute Project is doing for hardware what Linux, Android, and many other popular products did for software: making …

Yoda: Open Source Everything Wiki

Rise, you will. Below is the first announcement of an Open Source Everything wiki facilitating easy comprehensive documentation and outreach across the nine major open sub-categories listed below. 1. Open Data   .   2. Open Governance   .   3. Open Health   .   4. Open Infrastructures   .   5. Open Intelligence   .   6. Open Manufacturing   .   7. Open Provisioning   …

Call for Nominations – Open Source Everything Conference in NYC 3-6 December 2015

Open Source Everything (OSE) OSE is a three day conference celebrating the culture and mind-set of open source by bringing together the vast network of ethical souls advancing openness in their fields to share information, inspire cross-sector collaboration, create new teams, networks and goals. For the first time in history: all the opens; UN and …