Rise, you will.
Below is the first announcement of an Open Source Everything wiki facilitating easy comprehensive documentation and outreach across the nine major open sub-categories listed below.
1. Open Data . 2. Open Governance . 3. Open Health . 4. Open Infrastructures . 5. Open Intelligence . 6. Open Manufacturing . 7. Open Provisioning . 8. Open Software . 9. Open Space
Full Text & Document Below the Fold

Open Source Everything: Plan for a Global Convergence
Available as a Talk (15 minutes plenary, break-out session gladly done if desired)
The Term open source everything builds on the term open everything as used by Mark Surman (Mozilla) and others many years ago. It was recently popularized by the book The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, & Trust published in 2012. In 2014 Nafeez Ahmed, then a top journalist on ecology for ”The Guardian”, wrote an article, The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% – ex CIA spy. 33,000 “likes” resulted in the first three days, and over time have climbed to 67,000 likes (as of 3 June 2015). Clearly a nerve has been touched, one that juxtaposes the pre-conditions of revolution and the urgent need to find affordable, inter-operable, scalable solutions to the challenges facing the 99% inclusive of the five billion poorest.
Three people have come together to contemplate the value of a shared P2P Foundation Wiki with nine open source subcategories listed below: Robert Steele, the author of the above book; Marcin Jakubowsky of Open Source Ecology and the Global Village Construction Set; and Michel Bauwens, founder of P2P Foundation. Their intent is to create an Open Source Everything “board of facilitators” who arrange for the distributed curation of a massive cross-fertilizing wiki and an annual meta-conference (and many local meta-conferences) in which all the open silos within the nine open sub-categories, converge and cross-fertilize faster and more efficiently than now is the case.
The starting page is http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Open_Source_Everything.
- Open Data
- Open Governance
- Open Health
- Open Infrastructures
- Open Intelligence
- Open Manufacturing
- Open Provisioning
- Open Software
- Open Space
In the Open Manufacturing sub-category are included 3D printing, circuits, cores, DIY, hardware, maker, materials, and other “hard” opens. The term manufacturing has been chosen for the parent to help expand public appreciation of the reality that this goes far beyond the software-hardware juxtaposition commonly understood in the information technology arena, and explicitly includes open manufacturing and open materials associated with energy, food, shelter, and water, among other essentials.
The process of building out the wiki has begun. The purpose of the talk is to offer the P2P Foundation wiki (individual author accounts easily established) as a common home to all who wish to assure public knowledge of key people, projects, technologies, and other elements within their particular open, and to pave the way for cross-fertilization across all boundaries. A convergence conference is desired but secondary to this primordial objective focused on community building and convergence.
PDF (1 Page): Talk Open Source Everything Wiki

FAQ: Why are you not using Wikipedia?

ROBERT STEELE: I had to give up on Wikipedia as a common platform because it was and remains very corrupt. Small example: I spent five days loading links to 200 world-class authors whom I had sponsored (the best of 750 speakers at my 20 year international conference) only to have my entire page destroyed by a wikipedia editor who said I was self-promoting because all 200 links went to www.oss.net the home base for all online information coming from the open source solutions conference. At the time Jimmy Wales — whom I knew personally — refused to address these issues, issues that persist to this day. The number of pages hijacked by corporations, the thousands of trolls, and general mismanagement including an unworkable appeals process, make Wikipedia unbearable.
The P2P Foundation does not have those issues, but it does lack for visibility and a cadre of dedicated volunteers. I want to do for Open Source Everything what Torvalds did for LINUX, but with a big difference: I am not selling out to any other commercial outfit (e.g. or their fronts. Our focus is on affordability, inter-operability, and scalability across all boundaries, dedicated to what we can do to help the 99% inclusive of the five billion poor break away from the corrupt false-scarcity hierarchical model of capitalism.
Radical openness is about freedom from control and fear and want —
So I would urge you and your team to give careful thought to embracing the P2P Foundation Wiki as the place where all commons dialog and shared information can be posted. There is no bar to copying stuff over to wikipedia, but “home base” needs to be safe from corruption. We will control the trolls and mercenaries, everyone gets three strikes and out.