Review: How People Harness Their Collective Wisdom and Power to Construct the Future

Alexander Christakis, Kenneth Bausch 5.0 out of 5 stars 5 for Original, 4 For Density, October 25, 2011 The primary author of this book was closely associated with Dr. Jan Warfield, one of the giants of reflexive practice and cybernetic coherence, along with Dr. Russell Ackoff, and that alone makes this book a special read …

Review: Planning with Complexity – An Introduction to Collaborative Rationality for Public Policy

Judith Innes, David Booher Excellent but Not Perfect, June 25, 2011 The authors claim to be addressing a new theory of collaborative rationality. The Native Americans called this “seventh generation thinking.” It is neither new nor rational alone, but rather holistic. I bought and read this book along with Democracy as Problem Solving: Civic Capacity …

Review (Guest): Cognitive Surplus–Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age

Recommended by Dr. Kent Myers.  Eleveated by Phi Beta Iota to 6 Stars and Beyond because this book is much more readable than Wealth of Networks and captures the essence for the general reader in a manner more likely to accelerate understanding and transformation. 5.0 out of 5 stars Recommended as THE book to understand …

Graphic: Four Quadrants J-2 High Cell SMS Low

This is the original “Four Quadrants” slide created in the 1990’s to show the human-centered path from what we do now (still), internal knowledge management, through social network information creation to external research (humans are central) and finally to organizational intelligence where machines and humans properly managed are a perfect blend.  Note J-2 is the …

Journal: Cyber-Security Etc. & Multinational Engagement

As attacks increase, U.S. struggles to recruit computer security experts Hackers break Amazon’s Kindle DRM–The great ebook ‘unswindle’ Peace, Justice and the Lord’s Resistance Army Weapons-carrying plane headed for Sri Lanka Phi Beta Iota: It has finally come to pass.  Cyber-security–like the Black Plague before it–and of course the ten high-level threats to humanity so …