Event Report CORRECTED LINKS: Responding to Real Time Information, Open Systems and the Obama IT Vision [Google-Microsoft Meld]

FIXED Big File Problem.  Three Separate Files, each at Their Respectuve Thumbnails. EVENT REPORT: Have you been wondered just how we are going to implement M4IS2* and add to it Real-Time-Processing (RTP) and Near-Real-Time Processing (NRTP)?  This event introduced to the Washington, D.C. environment, for the first time, the concept of operations and related technologies …

Review: The Design of Business–Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage

In Its Niche Beyond a Six–In Larger Context a Four October 11, 2009 Roger Martin First off, what got me to buy this book does not appear in the book at all–the author on record as saying that Wall Street was not designed to make money for its investors, only for its mandarins–the same is …