Reference: WikiLeaks and Al Qaeda as Open Source Insurgencies

Journal: The Security and Secrecy “Tax” – Global Guerrillas By John Robb at Global Guerrillas (Networked tribes, systems disruption, and the emerging bazaar of violence. Resilient Communities, decentralized platforms, and self-organizing futures) Wikileaks and Al Qaeda’s Open Source Jihad are both open source insurgencies. While there are obvious differences between the two, what’s more interesting …

Search: how much is al-qaeda worth?

Very cool question.  We don’t have the answers, but here are a few thoughts. Who benefits? There is only one beneficiary of Al Qaeda as a virtual actor: the US Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Congressional Complex whose outrageously wasteful funding and excessive (70%) obligations to contractors are bankrupting the US economy, but who cares as long as the corporate …

Journal: What Al Qaeda Et Al Can and Cannot Do

The Meaning Of Al Qaeda’s Double Agent:  The jihadists are showing impressive counterintelligence ability that the CIA seems to have underestimated. Wall Street Journal Reuel Marc Gerecht January 8, 2010  [safety copy of entire piece below the fold] Amid the Hysteria, A Look at What al-Qaeda Can’t Do TIME Magazine By Peter Beinart Monday, Jan. 18, …