Chuck Spinney & Philip Giraldi: The Poisonous (Treasonous?) Influence of the Neo-Cons…Why Isn’t the FBI Going After Them?

While there is little that is new in the attached article by Philip Giraldi; it is nevertheless very important and well worth reading.  Giraldi has produced an excellent summary of the truly poisonous influences on US foreign and defense policies, a group more accurately described by the collective modifier neo-conmen. He describes how the influence of this movement’s …

Winslow Wheeler: F-35 Treason Infects GAO — Integrity Lost

Last week, GAO defended itself, as it should have, at the Foreign Policy website against my criticisms of its latest F-35 report.  This week I responded, also at Foreign Policy.  In sum, GAO’s retort to my article makes me even more concerned about the state of affairs at GAO than I was before.  Find my original article, …

Greg Palast: BP Failure in Gulf Preceded by Identical Failure for Known Reasons in Caspiuan Sea — BP Covered It Up, US Department of State ALSO Covered It Up. Manning and Truth the Enemy, Crime by BP and Treason by State “Not” the Enemy. Say What?

Bradley Manning & The Deepwater Horizon By Greg Palast for  Vice Magazine Wednesday, 3. April 2013 Three years ago this month, on the 20th of April, 2010, the BP Deepwater Horizon drilling rig blew itself to kingdom come. Soon thereafter, a message came in to our office’s chief of investigations, Ms Badpenny, from a person I dare …

Chris Matthews: Roasting Dick Cheney, the Neo-Cons, and Blatant (Treasonous) Lies….Ends with a Call for a Truth & Reconciliation Commission

Ten years later after the start of the Iraq war, the neocons still don’t see the error of their ways. Mother Jones’ David Corn and author Ron Suskind join Hardball to discuss. Highlights:  Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Perle skewered  in detail, airing their past words and their present insouciance.  Cheney is called sadistic, all of them …

Mongoose: 20130309 Added Transcripts for Mrs. Kay Griggs Interviews — “German Disease” Across USMC & US Army Special Operations + Treason RECAP

ON GOOD GAYS AND BAD GAYS.  This is  going to be controversial.  We distinguish between normal gays who want to come out and be accepted as loving members of society, and sado-masochistic neo-Nazi gays who consider themselves above the law and desperately want to remain in the closet.  Our views are well summarized by Robert …