Review: The Emerging Worldwide Electronic University–Information Age Global Higher Education

The Original Surveyor of Distance Education and Virtual Learning January 23, 2010 G. Parker Rossman My original review of this book seems to have vanished into thin air here at Amazon. G. Parker Rossman and his book came into my life just after I started the international conference on “National Security & National Competitiveness: Open …

Review: Peace–A History of Movements and Ideas

An Utterly Superb Intellectual Contribution–a Major New Reference January 10, 2010 David Cortright This book is a gift to humanity, a foundational reference of such extraorindary value that I earnestly believe it should be required reading for every single liberal arts program in the world, and used as a core book in all graduate international …

Journal: Keystone Cops on Earth and Space Data Sharing

UN-SPIDER (“United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response”) aims at providing universal access to all types of space-based information and services relevant to disaster management by: being a gateway to space information for disaster management support; serving as a bridge to connect the disaster management and space communities; and being …