Stephen E. Arnold: Goring the Oxen — Palantir, Facebook, Google — and Noticing Steele’s Idea for Open Source Micro-Payments in Blockchain

From My Palantir Archive: Security With Socom embracing Palantir for maybe three years, my question is, “Does Palantir have safeguards in place which will make a third Buzzfeed type article a low probability or 0.000001 event? Yikes, two articles based on what may be leaked internal information. What happens if sensitive military information goes walkabout? …

Melissa Sterry: Why Facebook & Google Fail to Meet Need for an Open Source Everything Platform

I think humanity is in dangerous territory in respect of the ever-increasing concentration of money, therein power, in consequence of companies, such as Facebook, “shamelessly” [to quote the BBC] avoiding tax via offshore holding companies. Individuals tend to dislike paying taxes, because it’s often hard for them to see where their contribution goes. However, wherever …

Sepp Hasslberger: Mosaic Social — Facebook & Google Killer?

What would it take to bring the social net under OUR control… here’s a project Mosaic.Social This is a first draft of a proposal to design and build a user friendly, egalitarian, and decentralized social platform that enables and inspires a mass of cooperative participants to come together as a powerful movement.   . . .  …

Yoda: Death of Facebook?

Why the Largest Social Network in 2015 Won’t be Facebook, and Will Be From Asia Asian social messaging services get what users today are looking for out of social sharing: simplicity and fun.

Facebook Open Source Hardware $140B and Rising

How Facebook is eating the $140 billion hardware market It started out as a controversial idea inside Facebook. In four short years, it has turned the $141 billion data-center computer-hardware industry on its head. Facebook’s extraordinary Open Compute Project is doing for hardware what Linux, Android, and many other popular products did for software: making …