Americans Admire Military Personnel While Being Unaware & Uninterested in What They Do “In Our Name”

Troops Die Because of Their Country, Not For It US admiration for its soldiers may be deep and widespread, but interest in what they are doing is shallow and fleeting by Gary Younge Published on Monday, January 31, 2011 by The Guardian Most of the stories told about Benjamin Moore, 23, at his funeral started …

Reference: Private Military Corporations–A Non-State Actor-Nuclear Terror Nexus?

Private Military Corporations: A Non-State Actor-Nuclear Terror Nexus? Robert L. Brown Temple University August 16, 2010 Abstract: The risk of nuclear terrorism is hyped by some as possible and high consequence (Allison 2006) while others dismiss the strategy as too difficult and too risky for terrorist organizations (Jenkins 2008). However, analysts have no data from …

Review (Guest): Science, Strategy and War–The Strategic Theory of John Boyd

Frans P.B. Osinga 5.0 out of 5 stars “Hell of an Engineer” October 24, 2010 By Retired Reader (New Mexico) – See all my reviews Phi Beta Iota: This is the long review provided directly to Phi Beta Iota.  A shorter review can be read at the Amazon Page. I have just completed a first read …

Reference: From the New Middle Ages to a New Dark Age–The Decline of the State and U.S. Strategy

Brief Synopsis Security and stability in the 21st century have little to do with traditional power politics, military conflict between states, and issues of grand strategy. Instead they revolve around the disruptive consequences of globalization, declining governance, inequality, urbanization, and nonstate violent actors. The author explores the implications of these issues for the United States. …